Fire Sprinkler Repair Services in NYC
New York City has seen its share of terrible fires. Fortunately, the city has learned from experience that most fires are preventable. The ones that aren’t can be successfully contained from spreading with the most effective fire sprinkler equipment – a working fire sprinkler system.
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Fire sprinklers are your first, and most effective line of defense against property damage in New York City.
Studies show that buildings with working, active fire sprinkler systems incur 60% less damage than buildings without sprinklers.
Studies show that buildings with working, active fire sprinkler systems incur 60% less damageRecently, NYC has stepped up enforcement of sprinkler system rules, issuing far more citations and following through with violations. To avoid them, you must use a licensed fire sprinkler contractor and license fire extinguisher contractor. than buildings without sprinklers.
Studies show that buildings with working, active fire sprinkler systems incur 60% less damageRecently, NYC has stepped up enforcement of sprinkler system rules, issuing far more citations and following through with violations. To avoid them, you must use a licensed fire sprinkler contractor and license fire extinguisher contractor. than buildings without sprinklers.

FDNY Regulations
The FDNY has strict requirements about who can inspect, test, install, and repair fire sprinkler systems and portable fire extinguishers.
All sprinkler systems in NYC must be inspected as per the National Fire Protection Association #25 standard by a licensed Master Fire sprinkler contractor. This standard has clear inspection requirements included, but not limited to:
- A weekly basic visual inspection.
- A monthly visual inspection and partial testing.
- A quarterly visual inspection with added testing.
- An annual visual inspection with a thorough fire sprinkler test.

Cause of Fire Sprinkler Failure
As fire sprinkler systems age, they naturally experience some deterioration. However, accidents or vandalism are the leading cause of malfunctions. Some accidental causes include:
- Frozen pipes due to freezing weather and inadequate heat.
- Employees striking the fire sprinkler components with forklifts or heavy objects.
- Items stacked too high strike a sprinkler head.

How Are Problems Identified?
Since most issues are found during inspections, we’re often the ones who discover the problem. During the inspection, we follow a mandatory NFPA #25 multi-point checklist and keep precise records to comply with all local ordinances. As soon as a problem is identified, we notify you immediately and offer advice about the most effective and cost efficient way to repair it. In most cases, we can repair a sprinkler malfunction very quickly. For emergencies, we offer 24/7/365 service and have fully equipped trucks with most equipment and components.
The repairs may include several remedies, including:
The repairs may include several remedies, including:
- Repairing valves.
- Replacement of sprinkler heads.
- New standpipes.
- Riser repair or replacement.
- Fire pump repair.
Contact us today for a free estimate and detailed proposal on the repair of your Fire Sprinkler System.
Please have the information on hand regarding the age of the system and any specifics you can provide. If you’re unable to provide this information, we’re happy to provide a free estimate and provide you with a detailed proposal to resolve any issues.
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Fire Sprinkler Repair Questions
There is a slim possibility of this happening – but very slim indeed. About 1 in 16 million sprinkler heads are triggered outside of a fire event. The main cause is either sabotage or improper design criteria that fails to consider a high-heat location.
You need to hire a company like Allstate Sprinkler LLCoration with the experienced fire protection design engineers as well as the qualified field personnel to account for areas with unusual levels of sunlight or other heating factors.
You need to hire a company like Allstate Sprinkler LLCoration with the experienced fire protection design engineers as well as the qualified field personnel to account for areas with unusual levels of sunlight or other heating factors.

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