Searching for a reputable Fire Sprinkler Company near to your home or business may prove more difficult than you might think.

Realize that there are many companies out there which *claim* to be knowledgeable in all of the important codes and laws you are required to keep on top of – and it’s a very expensive lists of violations you can receive if they are not.

Don’t take that chance.  When in need of a good Fire Sprinkler Company near you, look no further than AllState Sprinkler Corporation.

Whether installing or providing regular maintenance AllState Sprinkler Corp. can provide that extra confidence you need to be sure your business is safe and remains that way so that any inspection required – your business is covered. You can be confident in knowing that Allstate Sprinkler Corporation has faced every emergency scenario. Their vehicles are stocked with as many different sprinkler components that may assist in making a permanent or at least a temporary repair if material needs to be ordered. You can be assured of their professionalism and experience.

Allstate Sprinkler Corporation is recognized as one of the most reliable, responsive & respected fire sprinkler contractors in the metropolitan area.  As a full service organization AllState Sprinklers Corp. is committed to assist you with all of your commercial and residential fire protection needs.

Services include, but are not limited to the following: complete design-build abilities for the installation , alterations and repairs  of both fire sprinkler and fire standpipe systems; NFPA 25 inspection and testing services; Local Law 26 evaluation and compliance; prompt correction of all FDNY violations ; -5- year hydro-static pressure tests of sprinkler and standpipe Siamese connections; emergency service and repairs;  fire pump installations, testing and repairs; Fire Extinguisher sales and re-charging; and all fire safety related products and equipment.

At Allstate Sprinkler Corporation, they  have vast experience in National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Standard Law #25.  This law requires building owners to ensure their facility’s fire sprinkler system is capable of handling the storage arrangements present when a change in hazard level occurs.

Along with a well-trained staff of over 100 employees, AllState Sprinkler Corporation has customized computer software to help assure that your facility is in compliance and that the inevitable fines and potential liability for not adhering to NFPA 25 can be avoided.

Allstate Sprinklers Corp. are experts residential fire sprinkler systems. If you have any questions pertaining to the residential fire sprinkler systems in New York City, Manhattan, Long Island, NY, Brooklyn, NY, Queens, NY, Bronx, NY, or would like to schedule a complimentary consultation with Allstate Sprinklers Corp., contact us at (718) 597-4060.

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