May 20, 2023
What is a Fire Sprinkler Standpipe?

Standpipe systems are hose and piping connections installed throughout a building to provide reliable water for the suppression and extinguishment of fire by either the fire department or trained personnel. These systems are placed in specific areas throughout a structure, providing ready access in the event of a fire. There are two types of standpipe systems, and the type of system is determined by a specific set of factors. Supply pipe size, the location of the hose connection(s), their respective sizes, and pressurization will determine the class and type of standpipe system. A wet system is full of water; a dry system is the other. The type of system is determined by whether the water supply for firefighting is automatically provided by a water supply (such as a city main or a tank and fire pump), or needs to be provided by a fire department pumper (manual). There are three classes of standpipe systems, each dependent upon the nature of the building they will protect.
Class I systems are specifically installed to be used by firefighters in the event of a fire. They are often a hybridized system, including a sprinkler component that complements the standpipe water supply that they will use with fire hoses they carry upon arrival at the appropriate connection. Class I systems are most common 1n large-scale buildings 011<e shopping malls
or theaters) or multi-storied buildings, where access with hoses alone may be difficult to rapidly and effectively maneuver (think stairwells and higher floors). They are common in newer commercial construction, as they provide comprehensive fire protection.
Class II standpipe systems are wall-installed cabinet systems, typically 100-foot long, 11/2-inch diameter hoses, connected directly to the building's water supply. These systems are intended for use by firefighters or trained personnel. Class II systems are often required in large buildings that do not have sprinkler systems. They might also be required to protect special hazard areas, such as exhibit halls and stages.
Class Ill systems combine the features of Class I and Class II systems, providing for both full-scale and first-aid firefighting. These systems are generally intended for use by fire departments and fire brigades. Because of their multiple uses, Class Ill systems are provided with both Class I and Class II hose connections. They must meet the placement, pressure, and flow requirements for both Class I (1 ½" hose connection) and Class II (2 ½" hose connections for heavy firefighting requirements).
or theaters) or multi-storied buildings, where access with hoses alone may be difficult to rapidly and effectively maneuver (think stairwells and higher floors). They are common in newer commercial construction, as they provide comprehensive fire protection.
Class II standpipe systems are wall-installed cabinet systems, typically 100-foot long, 11/2-inch diameter hoses, connected directly to the building's water supply. These systems are intended for use by firefighters or trained personnel. Class II systems are often required in large buildings that do not have sprinkler systems. They might also be required to protect special hazard areas, such as exhibit halls and stages.
Class Ill systems combine the features of Class I and Class II systems, providing for both full-scale and first-aid firefighting. These systems are generally intended for use by fire departments and fire brigades. Because of their multiple uses, Class Ill systems are provided with both Class I and Class II hose connections. They must meet the placement, pressure, and flow requirements for both Class I (1 ½" hose connection) and Class II (2 ½" hose connections for heavy firefighting requirements).
Does A Standpipe Need To Be Inspected?
All standpipe systems are required to be maintained in compliance with NFPA 25. Weekly/monthly inspections of the control valves are required for these systems. Quarterly inspection of the pressure regulating devices, piping, and hose connections is also required. Annual inspection of the cabinet, hose, and hose storage device is required, and annual testing of the alarm device, hose nozzle, and hose storage device must also be conducted for each system. Standpipe hose systems must be tested every three to five years, with pressure control valves and pressure-reducing valve testing required every 5 years. Finally, the standpipe system shall have a flow test, hydrostatic test, and main drain test every 5 years. The NFPA 25 fire inspection in New York includes information relative to the conditions of the complete system's water supply, gravity and pressure tanks, valves, risers, piping, sprinkler heads, fire department connections, alarms,
fire/booster/special service pumps, internal obstructions, and conditions of all other system equipment and accessories.
Allstate Sprinkler's inspection and service personnel have all been certified by the FDNY. We are uniquely qualified to help you meet the necessary S-12 Certificate of Fitness criteria. We have customized computer software to verify and ensure that your facility is in compliance with all required codes, and inspections, and make certain that any potential liability and/or fines for non-compliance to NFPA 25 are prevented.
Please contact us immediately for more information on your building's standpipe system.
About Allstate Sprinkler
Our family business has developed from a "mom and pop" company into a highly regarded fire protection contractor servicing the New York City Metropolitan area. Our commitment is to assist you with all of your commercial and residential fire protection needs. We have built a reputation on the sound principle of providing professional service and high-quality products to all our customers. Our services include but are not limited to the following: complete installations and alterations of fire sprinkler and standpipe systems, prompt correction of all fire department violations, five-year hydrostatic pressure tests, emergency service, and repairs, fire pump testing and installations, fire extinguisher sales, and service, and all fire safety products and equipment. Allstate Sprinkler Corp. is a licensed Master Fire sprinkler contractor with the New York City building department. Providing our customers with cost-effective, professional, and reliable service is our priority. We hope you will enjoy our website and become a part of our family customer base.