May 10, 2023
How Many Sprinkler Heads are Required for My Space?

Fire Sprinkler Installation Of Sprinkler Heads
Fire sprinkler system design and technology have revolutionized fire suppression and prevention in incalculable ways. One small sprinkler head can broadcast over an amazingly large area, with the ability to protect more than 200 square feet in some circumstances. Sprinkler head placement is both a marvel of science and engineering; sprinklers placed too close to each other, to walls, or to various obstacles can actually make a fire much more likely to spread. For this reason, sprinkler systems can only be designed and implemented by qualified professional design engineers, according to strict standards.There are two key factors when determining both the maximum and minimum distance between fire sprinkler heads, as well as their distance from ceilings and walls. Specific characteristics including design and performance significantly impact the requirements for distance and obstructions to be protected by the system. Additionally, the type of sprinkler used (upright, pendant, or sidewall heads) determines placement and spacing, with maximum spacing for each varving.
- Light Hazard - Uses of space including offices, religious, schools/educational/institutional, restaurants, clubs, hospitals, etc. must have 15 feet of maximum allowable space between them.
- Ordinary Hazard - Machine shops, manufacturing facilities, processing plants, commercial bakeries, repair shops & garages, parking garages, post offices, and woodworking machining & assembly plants all have the same requirement as Light Hazard facilities -15-foot maximum sprinkler head distance.
- Extra Hazard/High-Piled Storage - Extra Hazard or High-Piled Storage spaces typically have a 12-foot maximum distance between fire sprinklers, with few exceptions. The facilities that are considered Extra Hazards include Printing, Painting, Varnishing, Chemical Spraying facilities, metal extruding, and plastic processing.
One other important factor influencing the spacing requirements for sprinklers is the water supply source per the purpose of the dwelling the system will protect. The distance between sprinkler heads can vary Depending on whether the system is designed with the pipe schedule method vs. a hydraulically designed system. Lastly, as the maximum spacing between sprinklers increases, so does the maximum allowable distance from walls. These parameters, while standard, are modifiable as necessary for small rooms, specialized building purposes, certain angles and curves within the structure, and racking or storage requirements in the design of the building.
It is important to distinguish that the maximum distance between sprinklers will vary depending on room size and purpose, however, the minimum distance is at least six feet between all standard spray fire sprinkler heads, with very few exceptions.
As you can see, determining fire sprinkler spacing is a complex, necessary, and highly specialized job. At Allstate Fire Sprinkler Company in Manhattan, we are uniquely qualified to assist in the determination and implementation of the appropriate system to fit your business or home's fire sprinkler needs. We are experts in our industry, and we look forward to helping you safeguard your work and home environment.
It is important to distinguish that the maximum distance between sprinklers will vary depending on room size and purpose, however, the minimum distance is at least six feet between all standard spray fire sprinkler heads, with very few exceptions.
As you can see, determining fire sprinkler spacing is a complex, necessary, and highly specialized job. At Allstate Fire Sprinkler Company in Manhattan, we are uniquely qualified to assist in the determination and implementation of the appropriate system to fit your business or home's fire sprinkler needs. We are experts in our industry, and we look forward to helping you safeguard your work and home environment.
About Allstate Sprinkler
Our family business has developed from a "mom and pop" company into a highly regarded fire protection contractor servicing the New York City Metropolitan area. Our commitment is to assist you with all of your commercial and residential fire protection needs. We have built a reputation on the sound principle of providing professional service and high-quality products to all our customers. Our services include but are not limited to the following: complete installations and alterations of fire sprinkler and standpipe systems, prompt correction of all fire department violations, five-year hydrostatic pressure tests, emergency service, and repairs, fire pump testing and installations, fire extinguisher sates, and service, and all fire safety products and equipment. Allstate Sprinkler Corp. is a licensed Master Fire sprinkler contractor with the New York City building department. Our priority is providing our customers with cost-effective, professional, and reliable service. We hope that you will enjoy our website and become a part of our family customer base.